Monday, February 4, 2008

Wiffleball Players Find Everlasting Love

Provo - Wiffleball Wednesday regular season play may have come to a close last December, but the love definitely has not stopped. It started with the marriage of two WW stars on December 28, 2007. Ryan "Ry-Rod" Johnson took Rebekah "jump up and down" Wittig into the Las Vegas temple and was sealed for time and all eternity.
"It feels great, indescribable really," Ry-Rod said. "We'll still plan on coming to every game though. Well, know...we can't," he added with a wink.
"Ryan is just so dreamy, can you tell I'm thinking about him in this picture?" said Mrs. Johnson.
"Can you blame her, look how charming I am!"
"I'm coming to get'cha, Ryan! Rrrr!"

These two were not the only ones heating things up over the break. Wiffleball star Brian Emmett took things to the next level with his girlfriend, Jackie Donkin, proposing to her in Laguna Beach a few weeks ago.
"How could I say no?" said Jackie. "I mean, you have to admit, he's pretty freakin' cute! Just look at that face!"
Things at Edgemont Stadium are only heating up. Pre-season play began a few weeks ago and there are several new up and coming players. Look out this season for Jeff Crane, Mark Allen, and Scott Isbell, two sluggers with a lot to prove. The season opener is set for this Wednesday night at 9:30.

With guaranteed hard hitting, fast pitching wiffleball action, one can only guess who Cupid might attack this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

myomy, i wondra what there papas think of these ladies pixtures